Monday, November 3, 2014

Workers Rights

  • Paragraph 1: What was the argument in the article? What evidence did they give to back up this claim? What do you think about the issue? What did you learn that was surprising/interesting/upsetting?
  • Paragraph 2: What was the argument in the poem? What evidence did they give to back up this claim? How was reading the poem different than the article? How did this form affect the meaning or your understanding of the poem?

In the artical  the agrument was about workers having the right to a free and safe life . The article was about   a  factory that caught on fire and killed 112 workers . Guards told the police it as a drill but it was too late . some people didn't make it out . They locked the locks outside knowing people were inside . What I think about this issue is that they really should care more about there workers , treat them with respect like they would want to be treat because how they just left the workers in the factory to die was a really bad thing.

The argument in in the poem ‘’ The Sweatshop “  was that  the  narrator was depressed . He  was lost, keep saying over and over “ Who am I ’’. He said that he was a machine.  At a point he thought there was hope but him repeating his whole life  over and over again everyday makes him feel like that. The poem was more difficult than the article because its repeating  its self and you got to find out whats the meaning of the whole thing .

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